Details: Online bidding starts ending 7/30/20 at 6:00 PM Central time. This is an online internet only auction. NO SHIPPING!
Preview: Wednesday July 29th 2PM – 4PM
Checkout Date/Pickup: Friday July 31st 9AM - 2PM
-Payment will now be done online only NO CASH OR IN PERSON PAYMENTS
Gilson cement mixer, wood planks, lumber, duck decoys, milk can, planters and pots, Polaris bibs, Aiwa digital audio system, books, baseballs & bats, fireplace tools, Star Wars items, Samsung speakers, glasses, glassware, Dirt Devil, George Foreman grill, heaters, bean pots, Halloween items, ice skates, milk bottles, candles, mirrors, toy trucks, rachet straps, horseshoe set, craft items, air tools, tackle box, Lacrosse boots, Bissell steam cleaner, dining canopy, Walls camo coat & overalls, hunting items, golf items, coal pail, ice fishing items, electric hedge trimmer, archery items, Argus 35mm camera, paintball gun, canning jars, variety of home decor, electric games, air conditioner, furniture, tvs, framed numbered prints, baskets, games, and much more. See bid site for full catalog.
Feeders, farm, sporting and household Online Only Auction
- Auctioneer: Travis Hamele