Details: Online bidding starts ending 3/21/19 at 6:00 PM Central time. This is an online internet only auction. NO SHIPPING!
Preview: Wednesday March 20th 2PM-4PM
Checkout Date/Pickup: Friday March 22nd 11AM-2PM
Vintage lawyer’s bookcases, China hutch, flat screen TV, dining table with 2 leaves and 6 chairs, fridge, sideboard, cedar chest, corner cabinet, lamps, spreader, sled, file cabinets, display case, fans, chairs, planters, shelves, wheelbarrow, small tables, textiles, lighted hutch, smoking stand, vintage items, roaster, magician props, holiday ornaments, floral décor, wood desk, bikes, Weber grill, vintage paper items, glass items, Hummel’s, collectibles, fish basket, crock pot, kitchen items, wall lamps, golf balls, dishware items, serving items, oil lamp, décor items, yarn, banks, patio furniture, picnic table, end tables, books, Christmas décor, VHS, coolers, radios, cement blocks, jackets, sectional, stemware, gates, lawn chairs, golf clubs, long handle tools, fishing rods, hoses and much more. See bid site.
The Furniture, Household & Décor Items Online Only Auction
- Auctioneer: Travis Hamele